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Frontera & Julia Lasa

From the beginning we wanted to create a community. We wanted to collaborate with local artist and create things with passion. Julia Lasa is the perfect example of that.


Julia Lasa is a freelance graphic designer specializing in illustration. She works from her studio in Hondarribia.
She loves to approach projects through illustration, between imperfect lines but with a direct and very personal aim.

We decide to combine our love for the sea and her talent to create a capsule collection. Colors and prints that take us to those calm beach days. Shells, waves, and other elements keep us close to those amazing salty days.

After creating the clothing collection, we did a premiere. While Julia painted one of the walls of Frontera with her designs, people enjoyed great music and some beers. Many friends supported Julia on her first wall painting and brought some clothes home. A talent that can not be missed and sure we will hear more about her.


Great initiative that we are willing to repeat with our local community artist.

If you want to see the products created from this collaboration, click here.

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